FLAG's mission is to foster links between the community, RAF Leeming and the Royal Air Force.
In pursuit of this aim we engage in a variety of activities to experience and understand the various operations of the Royal Air Force and RAF Leeming in particular. In doing so, as a Friends Group, we seek to give our support RAF Leeming and its personnel and present its activities to the wider community
FLAG is recognised and fully supported by the station commander.
Since its formation there have been many changes over the years. What has not changed has been our successful relationship with RAF Leeming and the support given by all at Leeming to the aims and activities of the group. This support is much appreciated in these challenging and changing times for the service.
FLAG zone
Friends of Leeming Aviation Group (FLAG) was
formed on the 1st of April ,1998 from an amalgamation of Friends of
Leeming (FOL) and Leeming Aviation Group
In FLAG Zone you can read about the Group
LEE zones
The primary role of RAF Leeming is to train for, deliver and support UK and expeditionary air operations.
To accomplish this it is the home of a wide variety of air and ground based units. It is currently evolving into a major operations hub for the Royal Air Force of the future.
In Lee Zones you can read about RAF Leeming
PAST zone
In the PAST zone you can read features about
Leeming and other past activities.